I came across a couple photographers that I found very interesting and wanted to share them. They both have totally different styles all of their own. The first photographer is Loretta Lux. She was originally a painter and you can see this in her images. Her images are very clean, simple, and have this aura about them. The post-processing techniques she engages in makes for very soft, dreamlike, very painterly final photographs. I'm curious to know if she superimposes any of her subjects with the backgrounds they accompany because some look way more processed than others and give that appearance.
"The Book"
The second photographer is John Mann. He is an American fine-art photographer who also teaches at FSU. I am drawn to his map series and the intricate detail that I can see went into these works. The subdued color really makes the images what they are.
"Untitled (arc)"
"Untitled (ocean)"
"Untitled (Moskva)" "Untitled (divide)"
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