Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Synchronicity, by Fred Pirone: June 14 - June 25, 2010

Synchronicity is a creative project that is influenced by the principles of quantum physics realting to the issues of locality and nonlocality where the idea that objects and even thoughts that are apparently seperate are actually connected through space-time.
Come check out Fred's work at the reception Friday night, June 18, 2010 from 7-9pm at the Centre Gallery at USF.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Broadcast USF CAM
Come check out the Exhibition Walkthrough and Opening Reception of Broadcast tonight, Friday June 4, 2010 at 7pm at the USF Contemporary Art Museum.
June 4 - August 7, 2010
Broadcast explores several ways in which artists since the 1960s have engaged, critiqued, and inserted themselves into official channels of broadcast television and radio. The exhibition features works in a variety of media by an international group of artists: Dara Birnbaum, Chris Burden, Gregory Green, Doug Hall, Chip Lord and Jody Procter, Christian Jankowski, Inigo, Manglano-Ovalle, neurotansmitter, Anotonio Muntadas, Nam June Paik, TVTV/Top Value Television and Siebren Versteeg.

June 4 - August 7, 2010
Broadcast explores several ways in which artists since the 1960s have engaged, critiqued, and inserted themselves into official channels of broadcast television and radio. The exhibition features works in a variety of media by an international group of artists: Dara Birnbaum, Chris Burden, Gregory Green, Doug Hall, Chip Lord and Jody Procter, Christian Jankowski, Inigo, Manglano-Ovalle, neurotansmitter, Anotonio Muntadas, Nam June Paik, TVTV/Top Value Television and Siebren Versteeg.

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Awwwwwww snap
New photographic works by:
Nicole Abbett
Sam Allen
Kendra Bailey
Jeremy Eldridge
Darin Garrison
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Leah Harrison
Linzi Lloyd
Zornitza Natcheva
Lisa Noss
Fred Prione
The William and Nancy Oliver Gallery
April 19th – 23rd
11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Reception Friday April 23, 2010 from 6pm-8pm
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Steve McQueen's Queen and Country keep-alive
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
French and Mottershead
Visiting artists Rebecca French and Andrew Mottershead gave a talk last night at USF. They engage in site specific work based on social rituals. The collaborative duo "create art that specifically explores ideas of identity, social ritual and the everyday public and private realms in which they are played out. Through participatory works, they subvert sites and engage people complicitly in the creative act." They spoke about several projects, including Borrow Me, a four year ongoing series called Shops, Club Class, 24 Hour Flower Market, and my favorite, The People Series. The People Series solicited people to come together to participate in microperfomances. Each person was given a card with his/her instruction for performance for the night. The instructions including things such as lie to impress, rim your glass, let someone know you were surprised they were invited, (when talking to someone) look over their shoulder and scan the room for someone more interesting, and take a drink out of somebody's glass. After their performance each participant would sticker their performance with the small numbered sticker they would peel off of their card. In the final stage a key was distributed to allow people to re-trace the performances. Check out these works and more on their

Monday, March 29, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
12th Annual Arthouse at USF
The School of Art and History invites you to an open house to view works by Undergraduate and MFA students at the Fine Arts Building at USF.
Friday March 26, 2010
There will be food, music by the Sleepy Vikings, and a photobooth set up by the photo club!
Hope to see you there!!
MFA 2010 Graduation Exhibition

MFA Opening Reception and USF Student Show Awards Ceremony
Friday, March 26, 7-9pm USF CAM
Free Event: FOOD, MUSIC, FUN
ROUSE: MFA Graduation exhibition
March 26th-MY 8TH, 2010 USF Contemporary Art Museum
Ariel Baron-Robbins
Toni Danette Billick
Maxim Maximovitch
Andrew Nigon
Victoria Lee Skelly
Stead Thomas
Carmen Tiffany
photo candidate Elene Tremblay
Elene Tremblay is one of the four candidates for the new photography position at USF. She spoke last night about her work from 1992-present. I was most interested in a web narrative she created called My Contacts and a photographic series titled Sitters. In My Contacts visitors are directed to a website where they discover a lost cell phone on the ground. The cell phone which allows you to contact artists who have created a fictitious identity through the use of their own websites. It was pretty humorous!
Another series Elene Tremblay is currently working on is called Sitters. She solicited artists in Kingston, Barcelona, and Montreal who sit for her. In this she photographs people who are tired and and have decided to sit. It focuses on fatigue and powerlessness in an urban setting.
Earlier in the day she also stopped by my advanced photography class during our critique. I found her to be extremely perceptive and very knowledgeable. Check her out!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
34th Annual Student Art Exhibition at USF
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Andreas Gursky
Andreas Gursky is a German artist who creates these amazing color photographic landscapes. He is drawn to large, man-made spaces which remind me of certain aspects of my abandoned building series. While they are totally opposite of my work as they are full of life and movement, they still emphasize a kind of distance relevant to my work. Check out this great article that was featured in New York Magazine here.

Monday, February 15, 2010
Parkour Motion Reel
I came across this on while surfing the net and wanted to share it. It's an animated flip book of sorts. Check it out here.
Painting as Photography
For my next project I will be recreating famous paintings. The first person that came to mind was Diego Velazquez. I have always loved his Las Meninas painting. While working on my other photographic series of the abandoned spaces I went to a cigar factory and I think this would be the perfect place to recreate this painting into a photograph. My only concern is time. I'm not sure if I would be able to gather all of the props and schedule a date with the people needed to pull this off.

Another artist I admire is Johannes Vermeer. His paintings, The Geographer, The Astronomer, and Delft workshop, Allegory of Painting stand out to me the most. I am interested in using myself in the images. I have been wanting to do a series of self-portraits and this could be the perfect opportunity.

Another artist I admire is Johannes Vermeer. His paintings, The Geographer, The Astronomer, and Delft workshop, Allegory of Painting stand out to me the most. I am interested in using myself in the images. I have been wanting to do a series of self-portraits and this could be the perfect opportunity.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Guinness World Records project
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Sunday, February 7, 2010
photographer of the week
I came across photographer Jessica Ingram who is deeply inspired by people. One series she has is called Hilltop High in which she documented the lives of high school girls before and after their pregnacies. Another series she is currently working on is titled A Civil Rights Memorial.
"A Civil Rights Memorial is both a meditation and a recapturing. With the help of the Southern Poverty Law Center and the lead FBI agent charged with investigating Civil Rights era crimes, Ingram visited and photographed the sites of more than eighteen events that occurred during the 1960s and 70s, re-contextualizing a southern landscape that at one time represented a nation’s fears, its hatred, and its shame"
Check her work out here or here or just do a quick Google search.

"A Civil Rights Memorial is both a meditation and a recapturing. With the help of the Southern Poverty Law Center and the lead FBI agent charged with investigating Civil Rights era crimes, Ingram visited and photographed the sites of more than eighteen events that occurred during the 1960s and 70s, re-contextualizing a southern landscape that at one time represented a nation’s fears, its hatred, and its shame"
Check her work out here or here or just do a quick Google search.

The Indecisive Moment
My current project deals with recreating historic moments in history. I have chosen to recreate Guinness Book of World Records feats. Some of them are so ridiculous like the lady who has eaten over 50,000 Hostess cupcakes! She eats one for breakfast, one for lunch, eats a normal dinner, and then has one before she goes to bed. Reading the story made me want one, but they were definitely not how I remembered them to be as a child. They were way too sweet for my liking! I am going to continue to research the records and find the ones I am most interested in. One that stands out to me now is of a man who has the world's longest mustache. On February 29, 2004, Badamsinh Juwansinh's mustache was measured to be 12.5 feet long. Juwansinh has not cut his mustache for 22 years!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Once Upon a Time
My first project of the semester is to recreate a series of photographs based on my first memory. The memory that came to mind is when my father was leaving to go to my grandfather's funeral (someone who I wish I had more memories of and with as I unfortunately don't remember him). I can still see my dad standing in front of our wooden front door with his bags sitting at his feet. My mom was brushing the tangles out of my hair with the help of Johnson and Johnson's No More Tangles as I sat on the coffee table. Thank goodness for No More Tangles or I would have never let her brush my hair! I didn't really understand why my dad was leaving, just that he had to and I was heartbroken. I plan on using my little people to create a series of images to represent this first memory. I will post them when I finish!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I came across a photo stream on flickr today and I thought I would share. I love Erin_T's simple style. She pairs the images she takes with poems which help guide you through the narrative she's created. Check it out here.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
ONE exhibition at MOSI

Come Check out two pieces I have in the ONE exhibition at MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry). The opening reception is Friday at 7p.m.
MOSI will be hosting the ONE exhibition in the second floor ARC Gallery. ONE is a multimedia art exhibition that explores the concept of "one". "One" as a number, refers to the integer between two and zero. It could be perceived as unity or an ideological force, such as narcissism, capitalism, or monotheism. Many facets explore the singular; a sole aim, a single life, a solitary form.
The ARC Gallery is located on the second floor and surrounds the IMAX dome theater.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Studio Shoot
This semester each member of my class gets the opportunity to collaborate their own photo shoot, employing the help of the class. I get to start things off this Thursday and I can't wait! I've decided to emmulate one of my favorite photographers Richard Avedon. I also plan to incorporate a Cindy Sherman-like feel by having my classmates dress up to resemble the rural, rustic, dirty personas in Avedon's photographs. I will be shooting mainly with a large format 4x5 camera, but will also be taking shots with my digital camera. I will post the pics as soon as they're developed!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
talk on August Sander

Today I went to the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts (FMoPA) to take part in a talk by one of my professors, Lou Marcus, on German photographer August Sander. Sander photographed most of his work between the two world wars. He was attracted to the human appearance and how an individuals connection with the camera could reveal something about them. Throughout his career Sander used glass plate negatives. He is best known for his portraits which are exemplified in his series People of the 20th Century. The photographs taken were categorized into seven categories by social type and occupation. He allowed people to compose themselves to be photographed in the way that they wanted to be photographed. Sander found his subjects for his photographs by taking advantage of every opportunity he could to photograph. For instance, a bailiff came by his door once to serve him papers and he invited him in and took his picture. That and many others were in a series of images titled People Who Came by My Door. After the Nazi's suppressed his work he began shooting landscapes. Later a fire destroyed the majority of the remaining negatives. Sander's work resonates through much of contemporary photography.
The exhibit at FMoPA runs through March 13, 2010. Go check it out!

Sunday, January 17, 2010
photographer of the week
Matthew Albanese, a photographer and sculptor, creates small scale models that result in very believable landscapes. The the images are captured give the illusion that they are life-size objects. His volcano, Breaking Point, was made from tile grout, cotton, phosphorus ink, and was illuminated from within by six 60 watt light bulbs. Burning Room was made out of wood, nylon, plexiglass, purchased dollhouse furniture, and then was set on fire to achieve the effect seen below.

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
China's Invisible Man
Liu Bolin uses paint and photography to make himself "invisible" and resemble whatever background he wants to make a statement about. I thought it was pretty amazing and just wanted to share!

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Art Basel Huge Success
Some good news in the the art world for a change.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
DON'T FORGET: One Night Stand
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